Via Instagram
Look out for our episode with Colin Pal next week! http://theundeniableclarity.com/podcast/
Look out for our episode with Colin Pal next week! http://theundeniableclarity.com/podcast/
Officially switching our entire organic herb and veggie supply to Aqua Greens! Further solidifying our commitment to nutrient density and bioavailability
How does an optimal health retreat in beautiful sound?? Oh and we will be speaking. Come learn, network, play and thrive 🙂 http://www.eventbrite.com/e/living-proof-retreat-2015-tickets-15591156569?aff=PaleoToronto&afu=112730209081
[dsgnwrks_instagram_embed src=”https://instagram.com/p/z41s_8OxgH/” type=”video”]
We’ll be attending and sponsoring the upcoming @thehiphaus! See you there
It doesn’t get any fresher, more organic or sustainable than this! You’ll be eating aquaponically grown veggies soon
[dsgnwrks_instagram_embed src=”https://instagram.com/p/znKxXIOxg0/” type=”video”]