Via Instagram
Baked organic cauliflower, Grassfed butter and organic cinammon.. Simple, aromatic, healthful
Baked organic cauliflower, Grassfed butter and organic cinammon.. Simple, aromatic, healthful
</p and VitD at the same damn time. Been really into walking, jogging, sprinting, meditating, reading and really everything with Ed at www.thepaleotrainer.ca
Photo taken at: Woodhurst Heights Park
Dr. Sachin Patel at the Living Proof Institute has put together an outstanding panel of speakers for the retreat in find out more: https://livingproof.leadpages.net/living-proof-retreat/
Huge thanks to Dave and Blake at De La Mer fish in sampling an assortment of all wild salmon, trout, cod, sole, and snapper
[dsgnwrks_instagram_embed src=”http://instagram.com/p/tOApppuxka/” type=”video”]
Coconut oil searing wild caught cod, oh if instagram could smell
Recovery, performance, detox.. 100% Grassfed Bison Bone Broth initial batch sold, taking pre-orders so we can buy more bones from an farm!