National Mattress - Outsite The Box

The Challenge

The primary challenge to overcome was reducing the clients Cost-Per-Click in Adwords.

As Google Adwords Certified Partners, we used our knowledge and expertise to resolve the clients Cost-Per-Click issue. The strategy began by conducting a thorough audit of the ad campaign National Mattress was running to identify potential opportunities.

Increase online sales

The main KPI’s we focused on were increasing the Click Through Rate (CTR) and quality score, decreasing Cost-Per-Click and tracking conversions.

Drive more traffic

Increase relevant traffic to the National Mattress website and sustain the growth of audience reach for the client.

Ad Visibility

Maximizing reach of targeted ads to attract potential customers to purchase a mattress.

Increase store traffic

As the client has two locations, it was essential to attract an online audience

Strategy and Implementation

SEO Company Mississauga

During the initial audit phase, we the ad campaign was using keywords that were not profitable, thus wasting a substantial amount of the budget. Since the customer was unaware the campaign wasn’t receiving the optimal return on investment, the Outsite The Box team made solving this problem a priority. We started from scratch on the clients ad campaign and restructured the set-up in order to yield the most out of the budget.

Spend comparison to same period last year

Mar '15

$17,000 Spend

Mar '16

$5000 Spend

We were able to increase CTR by an average of 6% and as high as 10% in some cases.

We were able to reduce the ad spend by $12,000 in comparison to the previous period. That's $144,000 in savings.

Average CTR

Mar '15


Mar '16


We were able to increase CTR by an average of 6% and as high as 10% in some cases.

The average quality score was improved on the account by 3 points and in most cases the Quality Score is 10/10.

Average CPC

Mar '15


Mar '16


Organized the campaign efficiently by targeting a revised keyword list and incorporating a variety of negatives, that had a low-quality score and lacked relevance.

We utilized a variety of resources including Wordstream, SEMrush, Soovle, and Adwords wrapper.

Ongoing Results

The client shared one commonality among our team – we both like winning (that made things easier!) The customer wanted to see results and that’s exactly what we delivered.  National Mattress was doing well on their own, but there was a lot of room for improvement.  Before we started, there were a total of 2 campaigns, 2 ad groups, 2 ads and about 6,000 keywords – most of them broad.  As of now, we have implemented 7 campaigns, 58 ad groups, 165 ads and 1189 keywords.

We informed the client we would deliver results for their PPC Campaign – they definitely weren’t expecting $21,000 in savings. The substantial savings for the client allowed them to allocate a budget towards other marketing channels.